Quick Recap. It's been reported by few of you, showing blank page or non display of assets in-app wallet section.

04 Jun 2023, 13:22
Quick Recap It's been reported by few of you, showing blank page or non display of assets in-app wallet section. There can be several reasons to it and no definite answer could be given until it's checked thouroghly. So, it's been requested y'all if encounter the same issue then please do share device or list of devices used to run the application besides basic information like email address and wallet in-app with us.It will be additional help to check and resolve. The application works absolutely fine and all in-app assets are safe. There are no major reports, but even minor reports can't be ignored and should be checked properly to make sure the players will experience the easy and most accessible mobile application, beFITTER Thank you! Be 'fit' and be 'FITTER'